three proposals

Ten years ago three men proposed to me. One was a young slender man who said God told him he was to marry me and have six kids. He followed me to my lunch with my mother and gave me a dozen red roses and a pack of espresso and laid it at my feet. He followed me home. He slipped letters under my door. He trembled when he spoke to me. I had to gently tell him to please stop following me to my door step or I might have to call the police. The second proposal was a crushy tease from a student just finishing up his theatre program at university. While speaking to his class, he asked me if I was single, much to the delight of his squealing classmates. I said, “yes I am”, whereupon he offered to change my marital status. The third proposal was from a confirmed bachelor and notorious womanizer who swore he’d never get married and never have children. He couldn’t imagine only having one woman for the rest of his life. But when I walked out, he figured he couldn’t imagine life without me. I accepted his proposal almost entirely for his courage.

Ten years ago I wrote a play called Espresso that put me on the national map and I lost all seven Jessie nominations to a sex farce I can’t remember the name of.

Ten years ago three newspapers wrote me up as “one of the sexiest women in Vancouver.”

I was thinking this all day today, in a fit of self loathing, as I stuffed myself into a support garment in The Bay lingerie change room that would make any woman want to slit her wrists in a pool full of sharks…

Then I stopped. And remembered Italy.

It’s a different production. It’s a different body. It’s a different sexy.

Take me as I am.

Ten years later.

The red head is now a colleague. The confirmed bachelor – now the father of my child. And the university student – my gifted new co-star in Espresso. They’ve all been in some commitment with me along the way.

But marriage…the successful marriage, has been me and my faith. The heart of my life and the heart of my play.




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  1. Inspiring 🙂

  2. Brilliant Lucia. Italy and love!

  3. 10 years ago I left my home of the East Coast and moved, bright eyed and bushy tailed, to Vancouver, BC. The land where I’d been conceived (I’d been born on the east coast). And it felt right. It felt like I’d been meant to build my life there. One of my first extra-curricular activities was your wedding. Thank you again for the invite. Two years later, however, I was leaving Vancouver to follow a different love to LA, leaving a career (arts administration) for marriage. I swirled around in film and dabbled a bit in theatre and now, 10 years later, I’m back on the east coast and raising a 2-year-old and gestating a new life and I… I find *such* inspiration in your story. In your tenacity. In your perseverance. In your courage. In your dedication. In your humility. In your grace.

    I’ve discovered that arts administration was indeed not the love for me; but story is. And I am encouraged to continue to create. To continue to follow my love of story, of writing, of directing.

    Thank you for opening yourself to us all. In so many ways and for reminding me continually to love myself, to be brave about my choices, and to nourish my passion.

    • Lucia Frangione

      Beautiful Gillian, how wonderful to hear from you today, (and from you all – Sarah – Andrea xo). I remember how you and Rebecca and Evangela were the trio of beauty that bewitched all the men at my wedding, including my photographer. My wedding album is half you. Truly. I’m honoured you’re reading my stories and overjoyed that they’re speaking to the storyteller in you. Keep the faith, avoid beige ugly underwear, and decide that you own the place. xo

  4. Sarah Stillion

    Brilliant—-keep the faith!

  5. this is beautiful beyond words – looking at the past with grace and strength. your are still my hero, Lucia.

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