becoming the man you always wanted to marry

My kitchen sink clogs today, right before I head out of town. UnknownThis is not the sort of thing I’ve ever had to take care of. I had a landlord, I had a husband, I had a handyman downstairs. Now I’m it, unless I hire. The house is mine. And so is whatever is stuck in my pipes. Do I need a tool? Do I need chemicals? I don’t want to do that. Resigned I get online to see what accommodating handy person might be on chat that I could ask. Instead, I get my friend Anita posting me a picture of herself playing Moses in full grey beard for her church’s Bible camp. Oh my God it makes me laugh! She is FIERCE! She is a FIERCE prophet! She even has a rod of God and a rough hewn shirt!

Can I tell you how much I love this woman?

I sigh. Ah yes. The widow and the divorcee, becoming the men we always hoped to marry.

I look that Moses in the eye and say to myself, “Okay, if you can grow a beard, I can unclog a sink by gum!” I google a simple little home remedy with baking soda, vinegar and hot water. Not only did it work, it was fun. All that sputter and gurgle and pop.

I wipe my hands and grab my cleats. Off to a softball tournament. And secretly I think I am now capable of a home run.images

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